
Survivors the quest water on alien ship
Survivors the quest water on alien ship

survivors the quest water on alien ship survivors the quest water on alien ship

It begins with a message from a surprising source: Nirauan, the planet where Thrawn, dangerous disciple of Emperor Palpatine, once held sway…and from which Luke and Mara barely escaped with their lives. But all that will change when they're united on an unexpected mission-and must pool their exceptional skills to combat an insidious enemy…and salvage a part of Jedi history. Despite the bond they share in the Force, after three years of marriage the Jedi Master and his wife are still learning the ropes of being a couple-and struggling to find time together between the constant demands of duty. Sometimes it seems a Jedi's work is never done, and Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker know this only too well. A dangerous mission to salvage a piece of Jedi past threatens to make Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker history….

Survivors the quest water on alien ship